Brazilian Edtech Descomplica Reduces Costs and Expands Business with TRI, a Peloton Consulting Group Company and OraclePodcast

Descomplica is the largest online education institution in Brazil, offering complete online video-based courses in higher education and post-graduation learning online. As the first major digital education company in the country, Descomplica focuses on five categories:  Schools, Entrance Exams, Universities, Competitions and Graduate. With the growing importance of digital and remote education, Descomplica lives up […]

Sales Forecasting in PharmaceuticalsArticle

Pharmaceutical companies have always faced unique challenges in forecasting due to high development costs, a complex regulatory environment, and shifting consumer trends. In addition to these industry specific factors, pharmaceutical organizations also struggle with their ability to access high-quality financial data and the reliance on fragmented Excel spreadsheets. Download the full APQC article to get […]

Digital Finance for Emerging Life Sciences: Creating a Roadmap for SuccessWebinar

Emerging Life Sciences organizations are re-evaluating and adapting their business processes to leverage enterprise cloud solutions to enable: Agile decision making Culture and organizational transformations Transparency and visibility needed to achieve a comprehensive view of the business Watch this webinar to learn how to create a detailed roadmap that will take your organization from its current […]

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