Sheppard Pratt: ERP & EPM Cloud Case Study

Sheppard Pratt Health Systems is one of the oldest private psychiatric hospitals in the nation. As a non-profit organization that specializes in mental health treatment it is Sheppard Pratt’s goal to better the life of individuals and families by compassionately serving their mental health, addiction, special education, and community support needs.

Business Challenges

  • Multiple Legacy Entities & Systems – Sheppard Pratt faced the challenge of managing four separate ERP systems and four distinct charts, which posed difficulties in consolidation and data coherence
  • Manual Procurement & Inventory Processes – Manual processes for Procurement and Inventory did not call for strong controls
  • On-premise Applications – With a patchwork of on-premise systems, the new CIO sought to simplify the architecture with a migration and consolidation of applications to the Cloud


  • Fit-to-Modern –Leveraging Peloton’s Fit-to-Modern Framework allowed for the convergence of processes across multiple Sheppard Pratt entities
  • Oracle Cloud – The scalability of Oracle ERP & EPM Cloud provided a consolidated platform for managing their financial information and driving efficiency throughout the back-office
  • Peloton Hybrid Delivery – To economically deliver the work for Sheppard Pratt, Peloton delivered with a hybrid mix of resources based in the United States and our Global Delivery Centers

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