Liberty Energy: ERP Cloud Case Study

Liberty Energy is an independent provider of hydraulic fracturing services to onshore oil and natural gas exploration and production companies in North America. They focus on offering safe, efficient and high-quality hydraulic fracturing and engineering services, aiming to become the vendor of choice. Their goal is to provide frac design and execution with a real-data focus to optimize field development and improve production enhancement strategies for their clients.

Business Challenges

  • Legacy Application Not Scaling – Legacy application implemented during the early stage of their business but as they underwent rapid growth the application was unable to scale with the business
  • Costs of Production – Legacy system lacked detail and transparency leaving the business with holes in their understanding of costs related to production
  • Diversified Vertical Business – Liberty acquired several of their key suppliers who manufactured key components to support their business
  • Data Governance – The business’s rapid growth led to poor data governance processes, driving complexity in reporting and data conversions


  • ERP Cloud Projects & Inventory for Full Landed Cost – Provide better and more transparent view of costs of production
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS) – Peloton leveraged Oracle’s PaaS to develop custom applications such as auto receiving to streamline business processes
  • Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW) – First customer to leverage the power of Oracle’s ADW as the foundational reporting warehouse for Operational & Financial (ERP) data to provide real-time insights to their business
  • Automation of Conversions – Peloton’s deep analytic skills were leveraged to build and reconcile the high volume of legacy data to be converted


  • Single Source of Truth – Integration of Financial & Operational data from systems in their data warehouse
  • Seamless Integration & Process Automation – For all key business functions which improves coordination between quoted and executed jobs and allows resources to focus on value-add analysis
  • Enhanced Profitability Analytics & Decision-Making – Actionable analytics detailing the impact of different products and operational drivers that impact profitability

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